Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Employment. Well I know I'm only a 16 year old girl. But it's hard to find a job these days. I mean the fast food jobs that used to be reserved for us are being taken by our grandparents. I mean I understand that people are getting fired because of all the budget cuts but cut a girl some slack. I have applied to nearly 20 places that didn't require me to be 18. All of them have rejected me. I got one call from target. I came in for the interview in a navy blue suit. Had heels on and everything when I looked around and noticed something. Every employee around me was hispanic. I stuck out like a sore thumb being the only black person there. In the end they didn't hire me. When my only competition was a hispanic 20 year old wearing jeans who was texting the whole time. But I'm not mad anymore. I could never be happy there. I'm still not employed and it's already summer. My family wonders why a 16 year old even wants a job. Well I'm tired of living pay check to pay check. I'm tired of being the only one gathering change to last until the next one comes. I'm not poor. But it's hard when your mom get's paid every 2 weeks. So I thought I'd help out. The economy's not making it any easier. And then the fact that I have no previous job experience makes it harder. But I want to say that everyone has to be given a chance to show their potential. They'll never have a first job if nobodys willing to take a chance on them. I send my regards to Obama and hope he can make the employment situation better. Until then I am unemployed. Comment my first blog and tell me your thoughts. And if you know of some jobs in miami tell me that too.
XOXO- iBria


  1. Bria, can't help on the job front.

    But can offer advice on getting water out of your ears.

    (Noticed your profile question, and your comment on Butch's website.)

    Ethyl alcohol drops. Surfers use them, but don't know the trade name. A couple of drops in each ear, bingo. Water gone.

  2. Its a shame, people that want to work can’t find work…the first job is the hardest…keep your chin up.
    Big Al

  3. Hi Bria, and thanks for your comment. Whatever you do, don't give up - and keep writing. The more you write, the better you'll get, and this can lead to work you'd actually enjoy. You're right; everyone does deserve a chance to show their potential, and you've already shown yours. Enjoy blogging!
