Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sizists= People against fat people

This debate is too long over due. The magazines imply that being skinny is the only way. You will never see a hefty woman posing in Vogue. That's because the world is prejudiced to fat people. An overweight person can't walk in the street without hearing the snickers behind them or the sick looks. Who are we to look down on anybody. We are all flawed individuals. Maybe theirs is more open than ours but we don't have the right to change them. It's not funny and it hurts people's feelings. That's right people's feelings. They are not aliens or seperate life forms but people. They are America. It's not even some of their fault they may have a thyroid problem or something else of that nature. So you can also be picking on a very sick person. Some people see ridicule as encouragement for them to lose weight. But if you keep putting them into depression they just eat and get bigger. They are people too. Sometimes we are too focused on physical image that we don't even see the person inside and that's not right. But you know what I'm gonna grab my fat and be proud. Because maybe we can't change everyone in the world but fat people can take pride in themselves and maybe the jokes will bounce off our rolls. We can always fix being fat but they can't fix how ugly their insides are. So you know what? I'm gonna get some dessert. So America can suck it!!!

Me and my boyfriends fight.

This week we fought not about his debauchery or anything of that nature. But today we fought about Ramadan. Which is a Muslim tradition to not eat throughout the day then eat at night. That includes drinking. I asked him how does this benefit you? That's when a fuse just sparked into a heated debate. His argument: By not using all of your body's energy on digestion the body can repair itself. My Counter: But doesn't food supply the nutrients to help repair these things? He says: It gives the body time to do things like unplug your arteries. I laughed at this. What's the use of that when he pigs out all day right after. It's true I've witnessed him gulp down all his food and take some of mine. I just don't understand why he cant eat 3 meals a day even if they are small. There's also a big risk of dehydration. We live in Miami where it's burning hot. He's into sports so how is he going to keep himself hydrated. He doesn't understand how I watch him suffer every year. He's tired and irratable all the time and not really fun to be around when you're eating. If you have any arguments for or against this tradition write a comment.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First Vlog: Entertainment is the Subject

Hey guys this is my first video. Please feel free to comment and give ideas. Sorry but the video was not edited. Windows Movie Maker gave me too much trouble. Also I promise to blog more so I can get the hang of it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Eating to Die

Have you ever heard of the book called Eating to Live? I have. And I noticed that most of us aren't eating to live but actually eating to die. The book tells of how unhealthy our daily meals are. Like pork, yes I'm speaking of ribs and pork chops. Do you know how bad it is for you? The book says not to even touch the dead carcass of the pig. That says something. Is anything we eat healthy? Like hot sauce and mayonaisse. Mayonaisse has so much fat it's a shame. Hot Sauce is just acid to your stomach. So I challenge everyone who reads this to get the book or do some research on what you eat so you can Eat to Live and stop Eating to Die.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Employment. Well I know I'm only a 16 year old girl. But it's hard to find a job these days. I mean the fast food jobs that used to be reserved for us are being taken by our grandparents. I mean I understand that people are getting fired because of all the budget cuts but cut a girl some slack. I have applied to nearly 20 places that didn't require me to be 18. All of them have rejected me. I got one call from target. I came in for the interview in a navy blue suit. Had heels on and everything when I looked around and noticed something. Every employee around me was hispanic. I stuck out like a sore thumb being the only black person there. In the end they didn't hire me. When my only competition was a hispanic 20 year old wearing jeans who was texting the whole time. But I'm not mad anymore. I could never be happy there. I'm still not employed and it's already summer. My family wonders why a 16 year old even wants a job. Well I'm tired of living pay check to pay check. I'm tired of being the only one gathering change to last until the next one comes. I'm not poor. But it's hard when your mom get's paid every 2 weeks. So I thought I'd help out. The economy's not making it any easier. And then the fact that I have no previous job experience makes it harder. But I want to say that everyone has to be given a chance to show their potential. They'll never have a first job if nobodys willing to take a chance on them. I send my regards to Obama and hope he can make the employment situation better. Until then I am unemployed. Comment my first blog and tell me your thoughts. And if you know of some jobs in miami tell me that too.
XOXO- iBria